
英语作文求职50个字(英语作文 求职)

qiaoqingyi 2023-02-16 547

本篇文章给大家谈谈英语作文求职50个字,以及英语作文 求职对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。





Dear Mr Ryan,


Recently I have learned from the newspaper that your company needs a secretary. I'd like to get the position.I'm a girl of 25 ad I'm 1.65m-height.I graduated from the English department of WuHan University and I have worked as an English teacher for 3 years at the university since graduation.




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英语作文求职50个字(英语作文 求职)



1. My experience in the past three years ranged from computer lab assistant to installation specialist to troubleshooter working with a diverse group of people and winning accolades for my technical and people skills.


2. If my background resembles the qualification you are seeking,I feel certain a personal interview would be worthwhile.

如果我的背景符合贵公司的要求,相信一次个人 面试 不无裨益。

3. I will call you next Monday to schedule a mutually convenient time to meet.


4. As my current employer is unaware of my job search,your strict confidence at this point will be much appreciated.


5. Should you need additional information,I can be reached at the above address or by phone between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m..


6. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this position with you at your convenience,as it sounds like an exciting opportunity.


7. I feel that I have the qualifications necessary to effectively handle the responsibilities of the position advertised.

我自信有资格承担 广告 上所描述的和职位相关的职责。

8. If your company is looking for a self - motivated person who can work well with people,grasp and expand on new ideas,and achieve set objectives,then I feel we have good reason to meet.


9. I offer more than twenty years of progressively responsible experience in sales, culminating in my most recent position of Director of Sales and Pricing with a $50 million, 20- store chain.

我有二十年职位逐步递增的销售 经验 ,直至当上了一个具有5000万美元资本的20家连锁店的销售主管。而且我的能力不局限于此。

Sincerely yours.


dear sir/madame,

your advertisement for a network maintenance engineer in the april 10student daily interested me because the position that you de- scribed sounds exactly like the kind of job i am seeking.

according to the advertisement,your position requires a good university degree,bachelor or above in computer science or equivalent field and proficient in windows nt 4.0and linux system.i feel that i am competent to meet the requirements.i will be graduating from __ university this year with a msc.my studies have included courses in computer control and management and i designed a control simulation system developed with microsoft visual and sql server.

during my education,i have grasped the principles of my major subject area and gained practical skills.not only have i passed cet - 6,but more importantly i can communicate fluently in english.my ability to write and speak english is a good standard.

i would welcome an opportunity to attend you for an interview.

enclosed is my resume and if there is any additional information you require,please contact me.

yours faithfully,

wan long




三年的校园生涯即将结束,我一直信守做事尽心尽力的原则,努力学习 文化 知识,刻苦钻研专业技能,积极投入实践,全面充实和发展自己并取得一定的成绩。

作为一名国际贸易专业的学生,我深知英语的重要性,因此在 英语学习 方面我一直以高标准要求自己。通过自己的努力,以__的成绩通过四级考试并一次以__分的成绩通过六级考试。在 英语口语 方面我也一直在锻炼自己,并达到了一定水平。除此之外我也打下了日语初级基础。不仅在英语方面,在其余课程上也刻苦学习。在六学期内四次获得奖学金,并一次通过了全国计算机等级考试(二级)。

此外我积极参加 社会实践 活动,锻炼自己的专业技能,增长自己的专业知识,并达到了一定的效果。通过一系列的校内外活动,我也逐渐把握了人交往和沟通的技巧,学会了如何使自己处于一个融洽的人际关系中。通过在校的学习我深深体会到理论指导实践的含义,并且确实以这个准则要求自己。在学习和活动之余我也积极充实自己,博览群书,丰富知识,而且掌握了一定的计算机应用技巧足以应付工作需要。






How to Solve the Employment Problem of College Students

As more and more students graduated from universities and colleges, youth employment is becoming a problem in our society. Nowadays, many young people are having a hard time finding jobs. They often faced the "No experience, no job - no job, no experience" dilemma.

To solve the problem of youth employment, I think the government should take some measures to help college students who are finding their jobs. The government should work with the employers and organizations, such as fund them to help those students obtain career information, develop skills, find good jobs and stay employed. In addition, the employers should provide opportunities for students to get their first work experiences and develop their skills and potentials. What's more, the employers should also provide assistance for those who face barriers to employment and help them to get and keep a job.


The picture above vividly describes a funnel-like to show the students form admission to employment. Thousands of students entered the college every year, and most of them pursued the top professional. At the end, only a small part of graduates can get jobs.

The 20th century had not only witnessed the rapid economic development, but also the emergence of crises resulting from economy. A growing number of graduates have come to realize that employment is more and more difficult than the past. Although they chose a top professional in their college career, they still could not attain an ideal job. Just like a funnel, wide entrance, but narrow exit. Of course, it caused by many factors. For example, the development of advanced science and technology cause the decreasing of the employment. And many graduates themselves are lack of the operational capability, and so on.

Therefore, I strongly contend that immediate measures must be adopted to address the quandary. For one thing, government must enhance the awareness that employment is important for the development of our society. For another thing, college students are expected to put what they learned into practice.


It’s very hard for college graduates to find a job, of course harder to get an ideal job. In fact, many factors contribute to the unfavorable situation.

First, more and more students can go to college because of the being fast improved high education of China. As a result, there are more graduates every year. However, job vacancies don’t increase that fast. More people, less food, which is the exact description of the hard condition. Second, more and more people go on to pursue their master and doctor degree; more and more Chinese oversea students come back to China to hunt better working chances. It is sure that the competition is more and more fierce. Third, because of the fast development of science, technology, economy, society and the interchange of different nations, all units have higher requirement of their employees, for example, stronger ability and higher degree.

In addition to the factors above, there are still more which bring hardship for graduates to find jobs. Nevertheless, how to solve the problem is more important. It is a good idea for the graduates to learn more knowledge with a higher degree and to practice and improve their capability of dealing with all kinds of situation, organization, having good terms with others and cooperative spirit. Besides, the government should try to and encourage all units to create more job vacancies for the college graduates. Of course, the graduates should have a proper attitude towards various jobs, but not always pursue those with higher payment.


求职信是人们申请工作时向未来雇主展示自我的一个平台。本文是100字的英文求职信 范文 ,仅供参考。


Dear Sir,

In reply to your advertisement in Beijing Youth Daily of December 25, I respectfully offer my services for the situation.

I am thirty-two years old and a graduate of Beijing Foreign Studies University, My experience in this line of work includes five years as a salesman with the NCC Company. The reason for leaving my present employment is because they're closing their office.

I am enclosing my resume together with my photo, and I believe that they may be found satisfactory. As regards salary, I would be glad to start with HK$ 5,000 per month plus commission.

If you would like to know more about my ability, I can be available for an interview at any time convenient to you.


贵公司十二月二十五日在《北京青年报》刊登招聘 广告 , 本人特备此函应征该职位。

我今年32岁, 毕业 于北京外国语大学, 曾在NCC公司担 任推销员历五年之久。由于任职的公司宣布解散,只好去职。




100字英文求职信范文二 :


Because I believe that my sales background fits me for the position you advertised in Thursday's newspaper, I ask that you consider my qualification.

I was graduated from Beijing Commercial College in July 1993. My experience has included two year as salesman in the Men's Clo- thing Department for DangDai; and three years in the Men's Shop for ShiDu, where I am still employed.

My reason for wishing to make a change at this time is that there seems no opportunity for advancement in my present position, and I feel that my ability and training, as well as my interest in my work, should lead to advancement and a higher salary.

I am happy to refer you upon your request people who can tell you of my work and my character.

Truly yours,


就以我过去的推销背景而言,本人自信可以胜任贵公司星期四在XX报招聘的职务,敬请给予考虑。 我于1993年从北京商学院毕业,曾在当代公司男装部担任 推销员两年,后在世都百货公司男装店三年,目前仍在此工作。

之所以 离职 ,是因目前似无晋升机会,就我的工作能力和所受训练及我对工作的热情,我认为我应该获得晋升和较高待遇。





In reply to your advertisement in the newspaper of July 23, I wish to say that I am seeking the kind of position you offer.

I hold a degree in Chinese literature from Beijing University in July 1988. After graduating I worked as assistant editor in Middle East International, where my duties consisted chiefly of reading proof and rewriting, as well as composing lengthy articles and short item. I have had ten years of experience and am familiar with all phases of office routine by now.

Enclosed you will find a copy of my resume and my photo. I believe they may be found satisfactory.

Concerning my character I am permitted to refer to Mr. Smith, Managing editor of the magazine.

Yours truly,


贵公司在七月二十三日XX报上所刊登的征聘职位正是本人 想要得到的。

一九八八年七月,我毕业于北京大学中文系。毕业后在《 中东国际》杂志担任副编辑工作,主要任务是负责校对、改写 以及撰写长篇、短篇 文章 。 到目前为止,本人已有十年工作 经验 ,且熟悉一切办公室例行工作。


至于我的品德, 您可函询《中东国际》杂志主任史密斯先生。


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