

qiaoqingyi 2023-05-17 396

Our school is in the center of our town It is very clean and beautiful There are many trees and flowers there There are two teaching buildings, a lab and a library The teachers here are very kind;My school is very beautiful It is Nanhai Experimental School There are three tall buildings in our school They all have five floors In the teaching building, the is on the first floor The。

teaching building and a broad campus, the school occupies an area of about two hectaresThe teaching building has 20 storeys and there are about 100 classrooms inside With whitewashed walls and bright window;My New School I study in a new school this termIt is my dream school and a key one with beautiful surroundings and a good learning atmosphereIt#39s a boarding school,so I live in it from Monday。

总而言之,我很爱我的学校I find my school life is more and more meaningful and colorful 我发现我的学校生活越来越有意义和丰富多彩My school life is wonderful我的学校生活很精彩 我的学校英语作文 My SchoolThis is my;回答只许100字元以内信写好了贴不上来呀英语作文 给外国朋友的一封信,介绍自己学校的 Dear Kate Thanks for your letter You asked me about my school My school isn#39t very big but it is clean and。


1、我的学校英语作文带翻译篇一初中英语作文我的校园生活myschoollife初中英语作文我的校园生活myschoollifemynameislilyispentthetimewithmylovelyclas **。

2、to teach their students well I like our school very much我的学校很漂亮,它在我们城市很有名有2000多名学生和100多名教师所有的学生都善待彼此,所有的老师都努力教好他们的学生我非常喜欢我们的学校。

3、我的大学新生活可以描述一下校园的环境,遇到的人和事物以及自己上大学以后的初感受After entering the University, I really realized what the high school teacher said In college life, no one really interferes with。

4、我爱我的学校我学校的老师很友善学生们很有礼貌,也很聪明我在学校很开心总之,我爱我的学校二###案例来咯 英语作文Hello,everyone,my name is meimeiI am a studentI。

5、1小学介绍学校英语作文之我亲爱的学校 Hello! I#39m Lily I study in Hongda School It is in Zhejiang It is divided into primary school, middle school and high school So, it is very big And it。

6、the banner, Paul#39s deeds and character of every 21 young people to learn from 你的问题我有两种理解,一是我最喜爱的大学 英语作文二是我最喜爱的 大学英语作文看看我这篇是否符合你的要求。


1、Hello,I#39m Lisa,my school is beautifulNow let me tell you about it你好,我是丽萨,我的学校是漂亮的,现在让我告诉你关于它There are many flowers in our school,they make our school be more beautifui。

2、Our School Our school ,with a 20year history, brings up generations of teenagersIt occupies a large area, and a big playground is in the middle of it Everyday after class, there are lots of。


