

qiaoqingyi 2023-05-06 382

1、I am a student from Hope Middle School I love my school My campus is very big, and has many trees Every spring, many birds come here and make here as their homes All of my teachers are very;你好my dear friend,i#39m so happy to write this letter for youhope everything goes well with younow i#39m studying in Shizhong Middle Schooli always play football and basketball with my classmates after;全都开着四轮的汽车到处跑我现在在奎屯市一小五年级4班读书我爱我的家乡,更爱我的学校远方的朋友,如果你愿意和我成为朋友,那么咱们就手拉手,让我们在信中交流学习收获和生活所得,畅谈快乐的人生,美好的理想;1学校背景 一个学校的往往有悠久的历史,发展过程也会被记录下来,介绍学校背景,可以很好的向别人展示学校的文化比如北京大学1898年,北京大学诞生,初名京师大学堂,是中国近代第一所国立大学,也是最早以“大学”之名。



3、Dear MrBrown,亲爱的布朗先生,Today I write a letter to introduce my schoollook at this photo,This is my school,It is big and wide , and it is very beautiful, do you like?今天我写一封信介绍我的学;首先用书信的格式的话,你可以参考如下格式 亲爱的朋友你好 在这里我可以向你介绍我们的学校 然后花一两百字或者三四百字对你们学校进行介绍 最后期待你的回信,某某某 某年某月某一天;Dear Tom,Tommorow is SaturdayI have a lot of things to doI#39ll get up early at 7 o#39clock and have breakfast at 730After breakfast ,I#39ll do my homework from 8 to 10 amThen I play the piano;study Besides, I made many friends in my class and other classes The dining hall in the school provides a variety of nourishing and delicious food Anyway, I am enjoying my life in my new school;The school is very beautiful,we all like it very much学校不大,有两个教学楼,一个办公楼,一个图书馆,两个阅览室,一个音乐教室,一个美术教室和一个大厅有时我们在会议厅学校很漂亮,我们都很喜欢它。

4、我希望你能有一个完美的假期 John 约翰 求一篇100词左右的英语作文,向朋友介绍你的新学校 Dear John Long time no see How is it going? Do you remember me? I am Wang Gang I remember that you;Welcome to visit our school Our school has 2500 students, there are two teachbuilding and one officebuilding We have a library ,we can borrow some books from there, we also can read books from there;给tom写信介绍学校Dear Tom,My new life in senior high school has begun And I want to tell you something about my new school life and studyI have met my new teachers and classmates My favorite teache。
