

qiaoqingyi 04-19 117


  双语:英“网络神骗”戏耍白宫官员 多人相继中招

  英国一名“电子邮件恶作剧者”(email prankster)专门针对政商界位高权重者,冒充他们的熟人发邮件,把他们耍得团团转。美国白宫多名高级官员近日相继“中招”。


  这名身份不明的恶作剧者假冒美国总统唐纳德?特朗普的女婿贾里德?库什纳(Jared Kushner),给白宫国土安全与反恐助理托马斯?博塞特(Tom Bossert)的官方邮箱写信,邀请他出席社交聚会:

  "Tom, we are arranging a bit of a soirée towards the end of August. It would be great if you could make it, I promise food of at least comparible (sic) quality to that which we ate in Iraq. Should be a great evening."



  Tom Bossert


  Bossert wrote back: "Thanks, Jared. With a promise like that, I can't refuse. Also, if you ever need it, my personal email is" (redacted).


  除博塞特外,特朗普的第三位白宫新闻事务主管安东尼?斯卡拉穆奇(Anthony Scaramucci)也被“下套”。


  New White House Communications Director Scaramucci stands by during the daily briefing at the White House in Washington reuters 2017-08-01

  由斯卡拉穆奇担任白宫通讯主管的决定招致时任白宫新闻发言人肖恩?斯派塞(Sean Spicer)、白宫办公厅主任赖因斯?普里伯斯(Reince Priebus)和现任首席战略师斯蒂夫?班农(Steve Bannon)等人强烈反对,也导致前两人去职。

  Masquerading as Priebus, the prankster emailed Scaramucci's official account using a mail.com account on Saturday, the day after Priebus' resignation was announced.


  "I had promised myself I would leave my hands mud free, but after reading your tweet today which stated how; 'soon we will learn who in the media has class, and who doesn’t ', has pushed me to this. That tweet was breathtakingly hypocritical, even for you. At no stage have you acted in a way that's even remotely classy, yet you believe that's the standard by which everyone should behave towards you? General Kelly will do a fine job. I'll even admit he will do a better job than me. But the way in which that transition has come about has been diabolical. And hurtful. I don't expect a reply."



  The very real Scaramucci responded: "You know what you did. We all do. Even today. But rest assured we were prepared. A Man would apologize."


  Fake Priebus wrote back: "I can't believe you are questioning my ethics! The so called 'Mooch', who can't even manage his first week in the White House without leaving upset in his wake. I have nothing to apologize for."


  Actual Scaramucci responded: "Read Shakespeare. Particularly Othello. You are right there. My family is fine by the way and will thrive. I know what you did. No more replies from me."



  在普里伯斯被炒前,电邮恶作剧者冒充被特朗普提名为美驻俄大使的洪博培(Jon Huntsman, Jr),用Gmail邮箱和斯卡拉穆奇热聊,恶作剧者发邮件称:


  US Republican presidential candidate and former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman addresses a business lunch campaign event in Portsmouth, New Hampshire reuters

  "Who's (sic) head should roll first? Maybe I can help things along somewhat."



  “Both of them.”



  After a few other nice messages of support from faux Huntsman, Scaramucci wrote, "Are you in Moscow now? If not please visit."



  Huntsman himself was also tricked, with the prankster pretending to be Eric Trump, the President's son.



  Eric Trump during the grand opening of the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Vancouver reuters 2017-06-10

  Eric Trump, too, was similarly hoodwinked by the prankster emailing as his older brother, Donald Trump Jr., but he soon caught on and responded, "I have sent this to law enforcement who will handle from here."


  The email prankster told CNN he never heard from anyone in law enforcement about his email to Eric Trump.




  White House officials acknowledged the incidents and said they were taking the matter seriously. "We take all cyber related issues very seriously and are looking into these incidents further," White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told CNN.




  "I try and keep it on the humorous side of things. I'm not trying to get the keys to the vault or anything like that."


