

qiaoqingyi 2023-11-24 130

1、technique 英 tek#712ni#720k 美 tek#712ni#720kn 技巧,工艺尤指体育或艺术方面的技巧,技术 复数 techniques 同义词skill , science , mechanics , tips 词组短语new technique。

2、differencesNot yet brings to people#39s attention in our country network right of reputation protection, its legal regime insufficiently is also perfect这个是我在网站上翻译的如果需要网站的话我可以给你补充。

3、Firewall technology is built on a modern telecommunications network technology and information security technology based on the application of safety technology, more and more used in private network and public network。

4、Network technology promptness has developed , has made people enter the network times , also has promoted enterprise operates on the network As enterprise , for gaining maximal benefit, forming website is。

5、Computer technology to flourish, particularly network technologies mature, the computer network has become the most popular subjects, Over the past several decades have made great strides in development In particular。

6、网络工程就学的东西比较多,产品技术更新快,要的知识面也广泛且要一精多通,学网络就要持之以恒地学习,否则就给淘汰了 高级网络工程师用英语怎么说 Senior Telemunication Engineer Mobile Network Manager 学网络工程师的话英语方面有。

7、计算机专业英语是指与计算机科学和技术相关的英语词汇术语表达方式和文化背景,包括计算机硬件软件网络数据库程序设计人工智能信息安全等方面的词汇和概念例如,CPURAMROMoperating systemalgorithm。

