

qiaoqingyi 2023-11-15 115

写作思路写出自己的观点,然后简述两种职业对于国家的意义,最后做出结论正文Artists and scientists both make valuable contributions to our society It may seem sometimes that artists are more valued艺术家和科学。

Hello everyone My name is Zhou Yan, I am fifteen years old I am 16 meters tall I am very fond of painting, dancing ballet, reading, swimming and playing piano in my spare time I like eating。

nglish is the most widely used in the world, the most important language Learning English can better understand the culture of Englishspeaking countries, easy to communicate with foreigners, graduates can find a。

difficultiesI hope I can be as courageous as she这本书催人奋进,全篇洋溢着一个勇敢的女人被一些看似不可能克服的困难困扰时所表现出来的不屈的精神希望我可以和她一样的勇敢来自yh3057英语牛人团。

文学小说 The Literary Novel My parents are teachers, so they want me to read more books When I started to learn reading, they bought me a lot of novel books, such as Harry Potter, Alice In the Wonder。

第三届英语演讲的海报 作文思路以简明扼要的方式,分别介绍了演讲比赛的举办单位举办时间和举办地点等相关信息Composition idea in a concise way, this paper introduces the organizer, time and place of the speech。



第二篇写信给TOM Dear Tom,I#39ve received your last letter that you informed me your will visit China next monthI am so glad that will can meet in my countryYou asked me about the places which are。

Some people think that the government should provide assistance to all kinds of artists includes painters, musicians, poets, however, other people think that is a waste of money for providing this assistance。
