

qiaoqingyi 2023-11-05 104

  how can we become good learners英语作文

  The good language learner thinks about how she is learning. She tries to find out what works for her and what doesn't. If she doesn't understand the purpose of a particular exercise, she asks the teacher. The good language learner is willing to experiment and take risks. For example, she will try out different ways of learning vocabulary until she finds the way that suits her best. She is also not afraid of making mistakes, because she knows that these will help her. The good language learner is realistic. She knows that it will take time and effort to become proficient in English, and that there will periods where she does not seem to be making much progress. The good language learner is independent. She does not expect to learn English just by sitting in the classroom, and does not rely on the teacher to totally direct her learning.

  how can we become good learners中文翻译


  作者:我是王老师 微信号dahan775885(关注我微信,回复初三英语,免费获取初三英语习题集及解答, 初三英语复习资料)

