

sukai 2023-11-05 100

1For语句实现 Private Sub Command1_ClickDim s As Long, n As Integer, i As Integer n = ValText1Texts = 1 For i = 1 To n s = s * i Next i Label4Caption = StrsEnd Sub 2Do W。

Dim s As Double, n As Integern = ValInputBoxquot请输入n值,不要太大哦,否则出错quots = 1Do While n 1 s = s * n n = n 1LoopMsgBox quot这个数的阶乘为quot s。


VB求阶乘需要Function 过程来实现Function 语句,声明 Function 过程的名称,参数以及构成其主体的代码以下是求输入数的阶乘代码Option Explicit Dim Sum As Double Dim N As Integer Dim i As IntegerPrivate。

Dim n, i, j As Integer, S, Si As LongDo While T n = InputBoxquot请输入小于13的数quot, quotn=quot, 0If n = 13 Then MsgBox quot请重新输入小于13的数据quot Else Exit Do End IfEnddoS = 0。

递归法,下面这个是个编写出来的阶乘函数,直接调用就可以了 Private Function jiechengn As Integer As Integer If n = 1 Then jiecheng = 1 Else jiecheng = n * jiechengn 1End If End Function。

Option ExplicitPrivate Sub Form_Load Dim n As Integer, i As Integer, L As Long MeAutoRedraw = True n = InputBoxquot输入nnlt13quot If n = 13 Then Exit Sub L = 1 For i。

求N的阶乘 Private Sub command1_ClickDim I As Integer, f As double, n As Integer n = InputBoxquot输入一个自然数quot, quot输入提示quot, quotquotf = 1 For I = 1 To n Step 1 f = f * I Next I Text1。

Private Sub Form_ClickDim N As Integer Dim Jc As Single N = IntValInputBoxquot050之间的整数quot, quot输入quot, 26If N 50 Or N lt 0 Then MsgBox quot错误请输入050之间的整数quotExit Sub End。

列如Dim a, b As Integer Dim s As Long b = ValText1s = 1 For a = 1 To n s = s * n Label1Caption = quot你输出的quot + Strn + quot的结果为quot + Strs这只是一个列子,你可以开动脑筋。

列如Dim a,b As Integer Dim s As Long b = ValText1s = 1 For a = 1 To n s = s n Label1Caption = quot你输出的quot+ Strn+ quot的结果为quot+ Strs这只是一个列子,你可以开动脑筋。

Private Sub Form_ClickDim n As Integer, t#, i n = InputBoxquot输入正整数quot, quot阶乘quott = 1 i = 1 Do While i lt= n t = t * i i = i + 1 Loop Print n quot!=quot t End Sub。

Private Sub Command1_Clickn = InputBoxquot请输入nquots = 1 For i = 1 To n s = s * i Next i Print quotn!=quot s End Sub。

首席执行官的答案到37的时候就要溢出了 dim s as Double,n as long,i as long n=text1text if n=0 then print quot0!quot=1 end if s=1 for i=1 to n s=s*i next i print nquot!=quots。

Private Sub Form_ClickDim p As Long, n As Integer, i As Integerp = 1n = ValInputBoxquotinput nquot, , 5For i = 1 To n p = p * iNextPrint pEnd Sub。

我没有自己写,也是百度搜索的,看下有没有帮助在窗体上放一个命令按纽,计算结果将在窗体上输出,代码如下直接拷贝Private Sub Command1_ClickDim a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer a = 2 b =。

