

sukai 2023-10-14 99

大众媒介在当代社会中扮演着生活指南的角色,强化了对受众的塑造和影响3living guide It directly provides the service for daily life and often becomes the living guide which people rely on它直接为日常生活提供着;问题四热门单词“养老服务业”用英文怎么说 “养老服务业”可以用 elderly care service industry 表示,是为老年人提供生活照顾和护理服务nursing service,满足老年人特殊的生活需求和精神需求的服务行业面对人口。

“很高兴为您服务”英文1It#39s my pleasure to servehelp you2It#39s my pleasure双语例句1 it#39s my pleasure I hope you will enjoy your stay here乐意效劳希望你在这儿过得愉快2Ok, it#39s;Serve the Community, Serve the Inhabitants 重点词汇serve the community 为社会服务 serve s#601vv 服务 serve for vt 用作担任,起的作用因此此处应该直接用serve,不该用serve for。


感谢您使用携程服务,祝您生活愉快 Thank you for using ctrip service, I wish you a happy life 虽然我的英语不怎么好 但这是我用有道词典帮你查的 希望能报道你看在我这么费心的份上,采纳吧 亲;居家养老服务的英文怎么说实用口语“居家养老服务”的英文怎么说请看相关报道China will prioritize more homebased care services for its growing agedpopulation during the 12th FiveYear Plan 20112015 period。
