

qiaoqingyi 2023-03-02 660




推荐看下,很全面的哦! 分析,回盘,跟进。这个是一个重复,长期,痛苦,彷徨,让人快坚持不下去的一个过程,也是一个磨练意志的过程。用电子商务做外贸,贵在坚持,重在维护。贵在每天坚持有良好的心态,坚持要做每天在做的处理询盘和报价。坚持对自己产品的信心!重在对已经成交客户的维护,对未成交询盘不断的跟进和维护! 步骤/方法 使用电子商务平台洽谈外贸业务,大家遇到的共同问题是什么? 1、我回复了买家,为什么买家不理我? 分析原因: 1)邮件客人并没有收到! 解析:现在有很多国内的厂家,商人,用的邮箱地址仍然是免费的邮箱,甚至是数字邮箱(163,126.com?为后缀的邮箱)这类邮箱地址很容易被国外客人的邮件服务器辨别为垃圾邮箱,还没有等到客人收到你的回盘信息,客人的服务器已经将你所发送的邮件直接退回或者删除,客人自然不会回复给你,因为他根本就不曾收到邮件! 解决:用国际通用的邮箱如hotmail.com,gmail.com,yahoo.com这类免费邮箱,比较好,不容易被分析为垃圾邮件!另外可用公司名购买的企业邮箱,以公司名为后缀的邮箱和客人联络的,这个不是免费使用,通常是做了公司网页后,送的公司邮箱,每年是要收费的。同样,这个以公司名后缀的邮箱也一定要找相关公司做邮箱的“双向解析”。这样,你所发送的邮件才会被客人的邮箱服务器通过,客人才会顺利收到邮件! 2)邮件中有病毒 解析:大家有没有每天查杀计算机内的病毒呢?试想,如果客人收到一封你的邮件,但你的邮件中带有病毒并被客人的杀毒软件所查出,客人会看邮件,还是直接删除邮件呢?这个问题是很显然的。 解决:解决办法很简单,就是定时定点对你的计算机进行彻底查毒,保证自己所发邮件是不带任何病毒及木马程序。 3)发送的时间有时差,及客户看邮件的时间! 解析:很多做外贸人员认为,一旦收到? 询盘 ?就马上回复,认为及时尽早的回复,客人一定会对此满意和赞赏并会有所回复!这样做是对的,但忽略了很重要的一点,除了亚洲一部分国家及澳洲地区国家,绝大部分客户和中国是有时差的。就算你马上回复了客人,客人也会在他上班的时间才能看到邮件。而且客人所发的? 询盘 ?,肯定也不会只有你一个人回复,肯定有大把的供应商相争回复,这样,最早回复的邮件按照邮箱的排列的顺序被沉到了最底层。如果客人在上面的邮件中找到感兴趣的供应商,就根本不会看最底层你的邮件! 解决:了解客人当地的时差及上班时间,按照客人的上班时间发送,这个,只需要简单的邮件定时发送就可以办到!另外一点,我觉得非常好,就是按照客人的上班时间,在线和客人联系!比如欧洲等国家和中国的时差为-6到-8个小时,那么当我们在下午3-4点的时候正是客人上班的时间,这样下午和客人发邮件,极有可能收到客人的回复,收到客人回复后立即也回复,或者能在Trademanger?或者MSN上能和客人在线及时沟通,这样也是最好的沟通方法。 4)客人休假及发邮件的密度 解析:除了及时和客人联系外,还要了解客人所在地的法定节假日或者休息时间!有过多国家的客人是很遵守作息时间的,一旦休息或者放假,是绝不做事的!所以了解客人的放假时间也是很重要的。 你所发送的邮件密度也非常重要,如果密度过高,每天至少三封,这样很有可能被客人被认为是骚扰或者垃圾邮箱而将你加入黑名单。 解决:讲师提出的最好的邮件密度为:第1天-第2天-第6天-第13天-第28天-每隔1个月!就是,一开始发送后,第二天没回复再追加一封,再没回复过4天,就是第6天再追加一次,如果再没回复就是再过一个星期再发,再过半个月再发,然后每个月定时发送!当然,发送的内容千万不要一样,标题也要经常变换。不要放弃任何一个客人,就算没有回复,也要每个月发送邮件!让客人认识你,记得你,当客人一有你所生产的产品 询盘 时,第一个就会想到你! 2、为什么有些买家联系了几次就没有音讯了? 分析问题: 1)客户不相信我 解析:有很多客户曾经受到很多国内不道德商人的诈骗,导致他们在和我们沟通的时候,如果有一点感觉不对劲的地方,就不会轻易和我们联系! 解决:在开始和客人联系的时候,把公司的? 海关 ?备案登记表扫描发给客人,让客人相信我们是正牌,正规做生意的公司! 2)市场周期 解析及解决:要了解产品的市场周期,要明确知道此产品的淡季和旺季。晓得产品的淡旺季,让你掌握好时机和客人取得联系! 3)已在联系其他的供应商 解析及解决:很多同僚会遇到这种情况,邮件发送后,客人回复已经在和其他供应商联系!遇到此状况千万不要有任何放弃的想法,保持和客人的联系。如果客人和现在供应商发现问题,他会即刻和你联系!如果发现客人是潜在的客户,一定要慎重报价,有人心想,把价格报高一点,也许客人会还价之类的,但殊不知,如果客人收到很多询盘,如果你的价格和其他供应商的价格相差太多,客人根本就不会考虑到你,不会和你还价,就直接将你CUT掉! 4)邮件表达不清楚 解析和解决:这个主要是针对新的外贸人员来说的,邮件的写作不是写英文小说或者抒情文,最主要的是简单,明白。要清楚明白的知道自己要表达的意思,也要让客人能看懂你所表达的意思。 在刚开始的询盘中,有时,我们发了很多询盘,但没有任何消息。站在客人的角度上想问题,客户是有权保持沉默的!当他有需求或者你的邮件另他印象深刻的时候,才能够和你联系!所以对客人千万不要放弃!把握好任何一个机会! 3、反馈有好多啊,可没有我想要的大买家? 明确自己的定位对应市场的认证不要迷信大买家 大客户不是常有的,能遇到真正大买家的机会并不多,大买家都是自己在长期的业务往来中建立和培养起来的。客人在培养工厂,同样,工厂也在培养客人!大客户通常都需要相对应较高的产品认证及工厂环境,如果你没有相关的条件,就很可能被大客户拒绝。而且,也不要迷信大客人,真正大客人的大订单也要慎重处理,做的大,赔得更大,也许就一个大客户,出现了质量问题后,就可能让你倾家荡产。 4、和客户一直都有邮件联系,但是客人就是不下订单。 分析:遇到这种问题,如果是个专业客户,就有可能是和其他的供应商正在合作脱不了关系! 采取措施:想尽一切办法找到客户的直接联系方式,不能仅仅用邮件联系,要用MSN,ICQ,SKYPE,YAHOO通等,甚至是电话。现代外贸人中,往往忘记了最基本的联络方式,电话。千万不要忘记打电话,你完全可以发了几封邮件没收到客人回复后,致电给客人问清楚是否收到客人的邮件!让客人记起你,关注你! 怎么样才能让买家把订单给我? 其实这个不是问题,是我们业务员要的目标。“为什么有些买家联系了几次就没音信了?”到了这个时候的客户,是确实有需要的客户。怎么让客户把订单给我们,重点要解决这样的询盘客户。我们要摆正确自己的心态,对询盘进行仔细的分析和处理! 分析和判断询盘 1、询盘的分类 1)毫无关系的询盘 2)没有提到相关产品,只是寻求合作的询盘 3)有提到具体产品的询盘 4)提到产品的同时还需要一些价格,装箱和出货资料的询盘 2、如何处理不同类别的邮件 1)过滤掉毫无关系的询盘 2)培养大致寻求合作的询盘,回盘之后没有了下文,定期的用不同新颖的标题邮件进行再次跟踪。邮箱也可以偶尔换换着联系! 3)主攻,提到产品的同时还需要一些价格,装箱和出货资料的询盘,主攻这类询盘,以多种的销售方式促进客户提早定样品! 4)需要注意的是,在分类询盘和回复的同时,一定要警惕客户用不同的邮箱套问产品的价格。遇到一个地区的同一产品的询价要谨慎处理! 3、主攻客户的判断标准 通过客户的资料和客户询盘的重点判断,找出客户直奔的主题。 例如: 询问产品的包装尺寸(客人在有订单的前提下,在算装箱量)和其他同类产品之间的差异。(客人在比较,你的产品贵在哪里?)询问产品的对应认证。(客人肯定是正规渠道的公司,也许是官方的客户)产品的关键零部件要求。加工过程中的应用工序。一个不离谱的价格要求。(客人肯定已经做过价格比较。) 4、潜在客人如何培养 1)建立一个长效的联系机制和办法 2)采用特别提醒和优惠促销等活动,用利益驱动他们和我们合作。 3)采用口碑营销来培养客户。 4)做长期的准确报价,让客人时刻感受到压力!(提示下个月要涨价,给客人压力) 询盘回复 一、邮件主题 邮件给的主题要有吸引力,力求标新立异,第一时间吸引客户的眼球。如果判定是真正的客人,一定要在我们的邮件标题上花点功夫。 例如:Sell?Facemask(?CE,?ISO,?FDA,?BFE)(直接标产品所认证的证书在标题上!) The?best?pricelist?for?Facemask!!!! Surprise-Facemask Facemask(CE,?FDA,?BFE)---USD10.00(标题上直接标价格!) 二、正文内容 给自己公司简介做重点介绍,突出产品性能和所拥有的各项认证,巧妙的应用电子版的catalogue和Pricelist. 一开始不要急于报价。了解客人的寻求及合理分析分类后慎重报价!也可利用图片报价,把我们公司的各个产品图片发给客人,对那种不懂英文交流的客户,越简单,客人越容易理解! 三、设置回复模板 是指通过对大量的客户进行总结,对不同国家,不同要求,不同价格的客户做出不同样板的回盘!禁止千篇一律的回复!设定简单、易懂和图片结合的回复模板。 四、报价实务 1、对开始有反馈的客户,设定梯度报价,例如: 设定MOQ。MOQ是什么价格?散货是什么价格?整个集装箱是什么价格?全年合作是什么价格?模具费用等等。模具费可以返还,到达什么量后返还,但不返现金,返还产品收取样品费用。如何应对免费要样品者。针对我们货值比较便宜的产品,可以免样品费,但需要支付快运费! 2、报价邮件必须要写的东西: -产品型号和配置(用图片) -根据订货的数量来给客户的报价。 -目的港的信息( FOB , CIF ,….) -报价的有效期 3、签名 留下自己公司的联系信息:公司的名称,电话,传真,地址,邮件地址,主邮箱及备用邮箱。 特别提醒: 看询盘客户所属国家按时区去回复邮件。尽量让客户在上班时间收到你的邮件!切记不要急于给客人报价,要先摸清客人的底细和状况!


做外贸从业人员可能都有这样的经历:及时回复了买家询盘,但似乎总是“石沉大海”,这是为什么呢?是邮件内容太多无针对性?内容太少买家没兴趣?还是我们的英语水平需要再提高?我们可以想象,买家通过Made-in-China.com寻找感兴趣的中国供应商时,往往不会只针对一位会员发送询盘,如何才能让买家继续回复我们?跟进买家,把握询盘实战技巧非常重要!以“Plush Toy毛绒玩具”为例,我们列举了一些询盘跟进实例,供会员朋友们参考!一、买家询盘为泛问所有产品询盘格式通常如下:We are interested in all your products, could you please send us more information and samples about your products and price list?可参考如下模板回复:Dear Sir/ Madam,Thanks for your inquiry at Made-in-China.com.We are professional supplier for plush toys at competitive price, located in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province. Here is the attachment with some pictures of our products that may suit your requirements, for more, please check our website, and select the products that you’re interested in.We have great interest in developing business with you, should you have any inquiries or comments, we would be glad to talk in details through MSN:XXX \ mails or any way you like.(附件内容可挑选一些公司主打产品)客户泛泛咨询时,往往真实购买意图一般,除非其正好需要/感兴趣您现在的产品或您挑选出的主打产品。对能给予继续回复的客户应继续重点追踪,没有回复的客户则可以考虑不必花费大量时间追踪。二、买家询盘为针对公司具体产品发的询价此类询价目标性较强,真实有效性较高,需重点跟进。已经根据买家询盘内容做出了具体回复,并同时报了价格,但买家没有再发邮件过来。建议可发以下类似邮件提醒买家:Dear Sir/ Madam,Good morning!For several days no news from you, my friend. Now I am writing for reminding you about our offer for item of XXX dated XXX according to your relative inquiry at Made-in-China.com. Have you got (or checked) the prices or not? Any comments by return will be much appreciated. (可根据客户要求的产品加上自己产品的特色)It will be our big pleasure if we have opportunities to be on service of you in near future.Looking forward to your prompt response.(可将第一次发给客户的邮件内容附在邮件下方以提醒买家第一次邮件回复内容。)若过段时间,买家还是没有回复邮件,建议可再发如下类似邮件再次追踪:Dear Sir/ Madam,How are you? Hope everything is ok with you all along.Now I am writing for keeping in touch with you for further business. If any new inquiry, welcome here and I will try my best to satisfy you well with competitive prices as per your request.By the way, how about your order (or business) with item XXX? If still pending, I would like to offer our latest prices to promote an opportunity to cooperate with each other. 如果连续三封邮件发出去之后买家仍然无动于衷,基本证明买家可能对您产品/价格不感兴趣或者由于其他原因暂时不需要您的产品,我们应暂时搁置,将时间用在继续寻找新的目标客户上。当然也有很多非常好的买家会被您的毅力感动,回复告诉您一些关于产品进展的情况,我们千万不可急于求成,而应按照客户的提示有针对性得去保持追踪。以下为几种经常收到的买家回复:1.客户收到跟进邮件后,如果觉得还没有对我们产品有需求的话,他/她一般都会说以后联系,不管怎样,能让客户回复已经不错了,说明以后还是有机会的:Dear,I’m doing fine, thanks for your information.I’m still in the planning of building my new house, due to the work constrain I decided to delay it first.Anyway I will contact you once I decided. Thanks!2.收邮件的人不是公司决策者Dear,Thank you! I received your email and I sent it to my boss. He didn't tell me anything just now.I will contact you soon once got any news.3.告诉您不及时回复邮件的原因Dear,I receive more than 10 offers every day and it will take me some times to look into each and every offers. I will contact you in the future if you are in our selection of companies.Many thanks for your co-operation.跟进技巧:这类客户建议可通过发新产品介绍或者新报价的方式来保持联系,相信时间久了成为您客户的可能性还是比较大的。至少让买家对您留有印象,即使暂时不需要您的产品,日后有需要的时候也会首先想到您。4.可能暂时不需要您的产品,但会问其他产品或者详细咨询一些与产品相关的问题,如:Dear,Please excuse the delay in my reply.I have been so busy searching through all the mails, concerning the plush toys project.May I ask you, where you purchase your soft fabric for the toys? We have a customer who is interested in this subject.In the coming days, I will reply concerning some samples.跟进技巧:这样的客户就要根据公司的实际情况来回复了,建议不管能否帮得上忙都能给些回复和建议,暂时不能成为客户也可以先做朋友嘛,至少他问的是与您产品相关的问题,中国有句俗话“多个朋友多条财路”,特别是生意上的朋友!5.想借机刺探军情的Dear,Sorry for the late reply. I will get back with you later.I am very busy at the moment. If you have US customer as reference, that would help a lot.I am not here to steal information. We use reference in US to generate trust, just like you have "connections" (friends) among Chinese.跟进技巧:应对这样的买家,如果公司在US地区有关系较好,规模较大的老客户,不妨挑选两个介绍给他/她,这样很能显示您的实力。但回复之前还是应根据公司具体产品在这个地区的推广情况来做妥当回复,站在买家立场多思考其询问的真正目的,一般简单告知公司名称即可,谨慎透露对方联系方式。如果在US地区没有客户,可以多介绍一些其他国家的客户来显示公司实力,同时向买家暗示我们在US地区还没有合作伙伴,如果您和我合作,将会帮助您开发整个US市场。6.讨价还价Dear,Thanks for your reply, I have received your quote and I am currently looking through all of the quotations that I have received. Currently your prices aren't the best but your products are very good. If you could make your prices more competitive I am sure we would be putting an order in with you very soon.跟进技巧:可根据具体价格情况回复客户,或通过询问客户订单量大小来做可能范围内的让步。总结:对于有效询盘,我们一定要保持跟进。买家每天都会收到很多Offer,市场竞争很激烈,如果我们不跟进,买家很有可能会忽略我们。跟进过程中,更重要的是细细体会各种可能的原因,积极采取相应措施,激发、把握买家购买意图,达成合作。另外,我们建议,跟进邮件的发送时间宜选择在星期二到星期五期间,星期六、星期日最好不要进行这样的跟进邮件(特别是主动的业务开发邮件)。




We are interested of importing your vases in France. Please quote and send us sample.




Could you kindly tell me more details about the vases you need?

Capacity, function, quantity, target price….So that we can offer the price accordingly.

Apart from that, you can see more details about our products in the attachment.



1. 首先,通过网站搜索当地生产同类产品的相关信息,以更好地了解对方的需求;

2. 回邮内附公司简介及电子产品画册,让买家方便直接回传产品型号的同时扩大选择范围;

3. 另附质量与价格相对有优势的单价表供买家参考(建议PDF格式文件);

4. 针对买家非明确部分,在回邮中点出并引导对方回复(参考案例)



we are a company based in USA  and we require 400 pieces wallet model 78-01. Sending us your best FOB prices and delivery time.




Thank you very much for your interest in our product model 78-01.

Our company is  ………

To comply with your request, the following for your reference:

1. Commodity: Model 78-01 wallet

2. Packing: Each packed in new non-woven bags

3. Quantity: 400 pieces

4. Price: USD two thousand and five (US$2005.00) FOB Shanghai

5. Payment: 100% T/T payment

6. Shipment: 1 week afterpayment

Please note that we do not have much ready stock on hand. Therefore, it is important to reply earlier, in order to enable us to effect early shipment.


1. 商品:78-01型钱包

2. 包装:无纺布袋

3. 数量:400件

4. 价格:上海离岸价2500美元(2005美元)

5. 付款方式:100%电汇

6. 装运:付款后一周交货




Hello, We are a wholesaler in France. We are interested in your pet bags for the quantity about one 20# container. The best price free sample is appreciated.




Hi there,

Thanks for your inquiry, and we really want to do more business with you, and I think it is the best way to place an sample order which is USD10 shipping included.

If one 20# container (1500pieces)in one order, we can offer you the bulk price which is USD5.5/piece.

Here with enclosed the more modelprice list for your reference.






We require a machine suitable for fairly heavy duty. Please send me your current illustrated catalogue and a price list.



Dear Sir,

We were very pleased to receive your letter of 5th April answering for typewriters and, as requested, enclose a copy of our latest illustrated catalogue and current price list.

We think the "Portable 95" is a machine that would suit your purpose very well. It weighs 6.5 kg and is a bit heavier than the usual portable, but it is good for heavy duty and at the same time conveniently portable when carried in its case.

We have one of these machines in stock and we shall be pleased to arrange for you to try it.

Although costs have been rising since March, we have not yet raised our prices, but may have to do so when present stocks run out. We therefore advise you to place your order with us at once.







can you quote me 500sets of t8 led tube 4 feet cool white 265vac voltage constant current. How much?

能给我报500套t8 led管4英尺冷白色265 vac恒压电流吗?多少钱?


Dear Adrian, 

Thank you for your inquiry, ragarding our T8 tube. The details and price of this item is as below:

Item: T8 tube   Model No: J4004 

Color: Cool white (6000K) 

Cover: milk white 

Tube type: T8-1.2m (4 feet) 

LED type: 2835 SMD   

Voltage: AC95-265V

Power: 24W

Lumen: 2000Lm 

IP grade: 20 

Constant current: The EXW factory price of 500 sets is  $xxx/set. 

Validity: 30 days 

Payment: T/T 

Delivery: 7-10 days 

Warranty:3 year

We have the available for quick delivery in quantities to suit your requirements! For more details, please feel free to contact me .











We are pleased to get to konw that you are presently on the market for decorative lighting,and as a specialized manufacturer and exporter for this product in China,we sincerely hope to establish business relations with your esteemed corporation. If the product we offered above is some different from what you require actually,kindly inform us in detail,we will be pleased to re-offer you as per yr actual requirements asap.Please note that the product pictures will be sent to you upon yr request,and a small sample could also be sent to you for yr final checking if the price is finally acceptable.To konw more about our corporation,kindly visit our website: kindly check and revert at yr earlist.

Pure Trading Co.,Ltd

Add: Tel: Fax: E-mail:几点说明:




d)简洁开头后,你必须立即进入正文,即报价,因为客户最关心的无非是产品规格与价格而已,你如不能提供客户想要的东西,客户回你干吗?立即进入报价,证明你是专业做该行的,你是有诚意、实实在在想做生意的,大家的时间都很宝贵,都不想浪费时间,特别是欧美商人更是如此; 有人说,客户询盘中规格说的不全,无法报价,事实上,没有那个外商会在询盘中一次就把要求说完的,你可估摸着试探性报,报错了没关系,这只是证明你是专业的、多年做该行的,如所报的规格与客户所要的不符,客户一般会很快回复你并详细告诉你他所需产品的具体要求的;有人总喜欢第一次联系客户时就问东问西的,有些国家的客户(如印度、韩国)可能会耐心回你,但对大多数欧美客商(如美国)来说,他们一般是不会回复该类邮件的;





















4、并利用我方或对方的节假日、地方的搬迁、重大事件的发生等情况主动联络,以拉近距离; 要真正抓住或发展一个客户不是一件容易的事情,要做的事情还很多很多“人”的结构就是相互支撑,“众”人的事业需要每个人的参与。



询盘邮件听说过,询盘邮件的英文版你知道怎么写吗?下面是我为你整理的英文询盘邮件回复 范文 ,希望对你有用!



Dear Mr. Amir,

Many thanks for your inquiry dated(of) ____ from alibaba.com.

In order to let us make more correct quotation accordingly, please kindly tell us the e_act model number you prefer after checking our website of .

Besides, to help us offer the best price, please also introduce your company as many details as you can. Such as your company foundation time, how many workers, major product lines, company website and last year's sales turnover if possible. More details better price.

Waiting for your early reply.

Best Regards



Dear Mr. Naresh,

So glad receiving your enquiry for our Barbies' collection from Alibaba.com dated ___. Thanks a lot.

We are a leading manufacturer in children’s wear in China and our products have been e_ported to customers all over the world such as ____ . The Barbies Collection is the most popular style in our factory, selling fast.

However, detailed price list for the skirts and long pants will be sent to you based on your specific further product description such as color, specification, special design requirement etc. Please check the following styles photo which should be suitable for your Indian market and tell us more requirements on the e_act skirts and long pants.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if any question and we are waiting for your reply.

Best regards,



Dear Mr. Muller:

Thank you for the letter of (date) enquiring price for our boy‘s t-shirt.

To close our deal a.s.a.p, we offer you firm CF Limassol USD ___/pc. Payment by irrevocable L/C to reach us one month before the time of shipment. This offer is subject to your reply reaching us before (date). Please refer to the attached files for packing and product specification info.

We allow a discount of 5% if your order e_ceeds USD 5,000. And there has been a heavy demand for our t-shirt and our factory is fully committed right now.

Therefore, at the most competitive price we offer, we hope to receive your reply with

questions if any or an order soon.

Best regards



Dear Johnson,

We are so glad to know you are interested in our product 106.248, 106.249,106.250 series and very glad to enter into business relationship with you.

As Australia is our important strategic market, and in order to help us both to push sales here, our company prefer to offer you the above "cost" price to hit your target.

Hope so competitive price can help you get your market soon .

By the way, could you pls tell us which color you like most and what kind of packing way you prefer?

Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.

Best regards



Dear Edison Bonilla,

How are you? Thanks a lot for your mail and your trust on us.

I noted that you are interested in our products with item BL-88, I think you got the size and specifications from the details from ALIBABA.The price of it is enclosed. Please check. As usual,we use the T/T as payment.And our minimum order quantity is 1000pieces.We separately enclosed our full e-catalogue. Please feel free to ask me,if you have any more question./I kook forward to hearing from you. / I can send samples to you, if you reply to me/I can do for you some special samples, if you reply to me /


Star Cheng

Company: Shenzhen Qkie Electronic CO., LTD


Add:5/f,Building A,_i_iang haoye Technology park,Fuyong Town,Baoan District,ShenZhen City,China

Tel: 86-755-2751 2960

Cel:+86 13249854876

Fa_: 86-755-2751 6546




Dear Sir or Madam:

A few months ago we had the opportunity to see a display of your productds at the Guangzhou International Trade Center ,and we were most impressed by the quaity and low prices.

We should like to offer you our service as a trading firm ,and would mention that we are e_perienced importers of our country ,and are enjoying a good reputation all over the world.

In addition ,we operate our own advertising agency ,and we can use the latest marketing procedures quite efficiently.You will be sure of your sales if you would allow us to promote sales of your products througout China .

Your early reply will be highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,

1. we are one of the largest importers of ….in…and shall be pleased to establish business relations with you.

2. we enclose a copy of our catalogue for your reference and hope that you would contact us if any item is of interest to you.

3. we ,therfore,take pleasure in informing you that we are an enterprise

manufacturing shirts.开发信

4. the products manufactured here have been proved by a scrupulous test to be sound.严格的质检认证

5. Enclosed are a brochure and a copy of our price list to give you a general idea of our products available.寄手册

6. We are sending you separately our pattern-book with the price list.随函附寄

7.We are confident that you can do some profitable business.相信贵方可以获利。

8.We would like to enter into direct business relations with you on the basis of equality ,mutual benefit and e_change what one has for what one need.平等互利的基础上

9.don t remember to tell you then Me_ican market is very competitive 市场竞争激烈

10. The designs and colors of all products will almost e_actly match your needs询问详细信息


1. We want you pack the tins in cartons ,each containing 12

tins,separated by corrugated paper dividers.

2. We trust that you will give special care to the parking in order to

avoid damage in transit.

3. Each case should be marked with the following: name of the

commodity, quantity, country of origin, etc.

4. We can do e_actly according to your packing instructions. 支付货款

1Dear Sir or Madam:

We are writing to refer you to our letter dated Jan 11,2004, in which we confirmed the acceptance of your order NO .309.In that letter,we promised that the shipment would be made by the end of March subject to your L/C reaching here by the end of January.

However until now we haven’t received your L/C.Would you please promptly instruct your banker to open an irrevocable L/C at sight in our favor without further delay so that we can arrange for prompt shipment?If your L/C cant reach us within 10 days ,we are afraid that we may be able to ship the order as instructed.

We are looking forward to receiving your early reply.

2Dear Sir or Madam:

I have received your letter to tell you that I have today through the National Bank established the confirmed,irrevocable Letter of Credit NO.778 in your favor for the amount of Euro 62,000 payable by sight draft accompanied by a full set of the shipping documents.


Hi Mike,

Samples received and already passed to vendor. The material was PP, not ABS. Offer sheet is preparing and will be sent to you soon. By the way, raw material increased these days, pls make a decision quickly to go ahead after price confirmed. We'll arrange the mass production asap.

Thanks and best regards,


4.开发信RE:the SECRET how to reduce mouse cost


Good day.Shenzhen Qkie electronic technology Co.,ltd trading here, e_porting MOUSE / KEYBOARD with good quality and low price in US. We are pleased to enclose you our ENTERPRISE CULTURE,pls kindly check. Call me, let's talk details.



Company: Shenzhen Qkie Electronic CO., LTD


Add:5/f,Building A,_i_iang haoye Technology park,Fuyong Town,Baoan District,ShenZhen City,China

Tel: 86-755-2751 2960

Cel:+86 13249854876

Fa_: 86-755-2751 6546









格式:格式一般分为称呼、正文、敬祝语、落款几个部分,语言简洁准确,避免出现语法和拼写的错误。鉴于东西方 文化 的差异建议回答卖家问题直截了当,一般疑问句建议先回答yes或者no,然后再补充自己需要说明的。 回盘参考模版




Dear ___,

we have got your order of......

The bag you order is one of the hot items from my store and it is made of high quality leather. But the order seems unpaid. If there's anything I can help with the price or size etc.

When the payment is finish, I can stock up the item and get it ready for shipping.

If any further questions, please feel free to contact with us.


Best Regards


Dear ___,

I am very glad to hear from you. The biggest size we have is 39. And this shoes is little bigger in size. So I think 39 will fit.

If you have any other questions, Please feel free let me know.

We are looking forward to getting your early reply.

Best Regards




Dear Customer,

The item you order is already shipped and the tracking number is _____

The mail status is as follows:


Dispatch from Sorting Center

This is the status of your order. You will get it soon.

Thanks for your support and understanding.

B、 询问是否收到货物

Dear customer,

EMS tracking information(EMS网站查询)

This is the status showing on EMS. Have you already got the items? If you have got the items, please let me know.


4、 客户投诉产品质量有问题

Dear customer,

I received the boots but I can't sell them because the Gucci bo_ was ripped up if you can't secure the packages better than that then you will not be hearing from me again!

Dear friend,

I am very sorry to hear that. The damage must happened during transportation. I usually make sure everything is in good condition before shipping products out. I make sure giving you more discounts to make up when you buy from me ne_t time. Thanks for your understanding.

Best Regards


Dear customer,

I am very happy to see that you have received the items. Thanks for your support. I hope you satisfy with the item and looking forward to do more business in the future with you.


Best Regards


Thanks for your continuous support to our store, and we are

improving ourselves from service, quality, sourcing and so on.

it would be appreciated if you can leave us a positive feedback ,it's a great encouragement to us,if there's anything I can help with ,don't hesitate to tell me .

Best wishes


Dear ___,

Thanks for your message.

Well, if you buy the 2 items, we can offer you a GBP 0.26 discount. Once we confirm your payment, we will post the item for you in time.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any further question.

Thanks Best regards!


A、推广新产品,采购季节期间根据自己的 经验 ,可给买家推荐自己热销的产品。

Hi there,

As Christmas is coming, we found hair straightened has a large

potential market. Many customers bought them for resale on DHgate or in their retail store because it's a high profit margin product.we have a wide range of GHD mk4 STRAIGHTER products on sell as well. Please click the following link to check them out. If you have more than 10 pieces in one order we can help you get a wholesale price. Thanks.



We are really sorry that the bag you order is out of stock at the moment. I will contact the factory to see when they are going to be available again. I would like to recommend you some other pretty bags which have the same style. Hope you like them as well. You can click on the following link to check them out.

If there's anything I can help with, Please feel free to contact us.Thanks.



Hi there,

We already reset the price for you. I give you another 10% discount on top of the original shipping price. Because the price we offer is lower than the market price and as you know the shipping cost is really high, we do not make much profit from this product. Hope you are happy with it.

IF any further questions, please feel free to contact us.



Hi there,

Thanks for your inquiry, and we really want to do more business with you, and I think it is the best way to place an sample order which is 45 USD shipping included, If 100 pieces in one order, we can offer you the bulk price which is 39.5 USD/piece. I am looking forward to your reply.


英文询盘邮件回复范文相关 文章 :

★ 英文询盘邮件回复范文

★ 回复客户询盘英文范文

★ 商务英文询盘信范文

★ 英文邮件回复函格式及范文

★ 商务英语询盘函电范文

★ 回复询盘英语范文写作

★ 外贸英语函电询盘范文

★ 商务英语询盘范文外贸应用范文

★ 外贸询盘跟进邮件范文

★ 客户投诉英文回复范文回复函



We are interested in all your products, could you please send us more information and samples about your products and price list?注:泛泛咨询时,往往真实购买意图一般,除非其正好需要/感兴趣您现在的产品或您挑选出的主打产品。对能给予继续回复的买家应继续重点追踪,未回复的买家可在转发首次回复邮件基础上询问买家是否有收悉X月X日的回复。


Dear Sir/Madam,Thanks for your inquiry at www.***.com. We are professional supplier for ***(产品名)at competitive price, located in*** 贴上几张公司的图片 ,验货间、样品间、生产线等图片. Here is the attachment with some pictures of our products that may suit your requirements, for more, please check our website***, and select the products that you’re interested in.We have great interest in developing business with you, Could you have any inquiries or comments, we would be glad to talk in details through MSN:***/mails or any way you like.


Dear Sir/Madam,Thanks for your enquiry via Alibaba.com. There are too many references on our website (***), could you please review and precise us your interested products ? We could send you price list accordingly.Here I would like to show you some popular products as below, which are sold very well for other customers.贴上适于客户市场或者最近好卖的产品图片As a professional ***(产品名) supplier located in ***(公司地址), our products have been exported to ***(出口国别或地区) because of high quality and competitive price.贴上几张公司的图片,验货间、样品间、生产线等图片We are sincerely looking forward to have business with you. Welcome to discuss for details via MSN: ***, mail:*** or ***.


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